AUDITIONS (closed) – Venus in Fur, by David Ives

Noordhaus and Solstice are looking for you!

We are looking for volunteering actors for our production of David Ives’ Venus in Fur!

Auditions will be held on February 2nd and 3rd.
Callbacks (mandatory for selected cast) will be held on February 8th.


  • Availability for rehearsal starting in March 2024 and ending in June 2024; auditions and rehearsals will take place in Groningen.
  • Availability for touring performances in the Netherlands in June and July 2024.

As this project is not externally funded, we will kindly ask the selected cast and crew members to contribute to the production costs with a production fee.

Thomas Novacheck – main role, male
Vanda Jordan – main role, female

Submissions are open until February 1st.

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